Monday, 19 December 2011
Monkey Man Christmas Quadrilogy!
Come in from the cold! Sit by my raging fire! Grab a glass of reindeer juice and enjoy four new Monkey Man comic strips from Brian Lynch, Film Threat and me!
In part 13, discover a rare, unseen early draft of A Christmas Carol. In part 14, Monkey Man reveals next year's big Oscar winner. In part 15, Monkey Man uncovers a serious flaw in the Ninja Turtles' costume design and in part 16 our hairy, blue pal attempts to save NBC's Community, with HILAAAAARIOUS results!!
Merry Monkey Seasons Greetings!!
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Jurassic Dorks Art Show: The Pictures!
The Jurassic Dorks art show has finished! Thank you so much to everyone who came and checked out all our work, it was a great week talking geeky stuff with people and we will definitely do it again in the new year. And if you missed the show but still want a sweet slice of the action the you could order one of the art books! It's an epic 32 page, A4, full colour tome signed by all the artists. If you'd like one, they're £12 each and that includes postage and packaging in the UK. For overseas peoples, the price is £16 postage and packing included. Please Paypal my fellow Jurassic Dork Jess Bradley at venkman(dot)project(at)googlemail(dot)com.
And see more photos of the show at our Facebook page!
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Jurassic Dorks Presents: The A to Z of the Eighties!
Myself and my artistic Powerhouse friends John-Paul Bove, Jess Bradley, Dylan Cook and Mark Pearce have merged and become the world destroying behemoth (of drawing stuff) that is JURASSIC DORKS! And to celebrate this we're putting on a show! The A-Z of the 80's is a gallery exhibition dedicated to the movies, tv shows, video games and toys of the eighties, 26 new pieces of artwork will be on display, depicting the alphabet according to that influential and nerdtacular decade. The show takes place in from the 8th to the 15th of December at Centrespace gallery in Bristol.
We've put a lot of work into the show and we'd love to see as many people come along as possible. Along with the artwork, we'll have loads of prints, comics and other stuff for sale if you want an awesome Christmas gift for the geek in your life. Not only that, we've also got a limited edition artbook, featuring all the pieces from the show.
Check out some sneaky peaks here and make sure to follow Jurassic Dorks at our blog and on Facebook and Twitter!
Monday, 21 November 2011
Monkey Man Triple Bill!
Hey everyone, check out episodes 10, 11 & 12 of The New Adventures Of Monkey Man over at Film Threat!
In episode 10, Monkey Man visits the world of the Walking Dead to check out why everyone's always so down.
In episode 11, Monkey Boy tries to educate the less intelligent children of the world.
And in episode 12, President Obama gives his Thanksgiving address, Chicken-Zombie style!
As always, Monkey Man is written by the Amazing Brian Lynch (Check out his new Ninja Turtle microseries, starting with Raphael this week at IDW) and drawn by little hairy me!
Thanks for reading!
Friday, 18 November 2011
Thursday, 17 November 2011
The Messiah.
The Messiah from the comic book series "Preacher" by Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon and Glen Fabry.
Private commission. Water colour and ink.
Monday, 31 October 2011
Monkey Man Halloween special!
Halloweens is here! Need a quick, low budget costume? Monkey Man's got you covered! Check out Film Threat for his hairy tips on Horrrrriiiiblle Outfiiiiitsss Woooo!!
By Brian Lynch and me!
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Three Dimensions of Terror is back at Threadless!
Good torso-warming news everybody! My t-shirt design "Three Dimensions of Terror" has been reprinted at Threadless. Why not buy it and show sharks that you ain't scared of them flying at you all Air-Jaws-esque, those toothy jerks!
Monday, 24 October 2011
London MCM Expo!
I'm going to be at London MCM Comic Con this weekend sketching alongside Colour-Master John Paul Bove and Pencil-Champion Jess Bradley. I'll also be selling some prints and comic books so if you're there come and check it out, it promises to be a HOOOORRRRIBBBBLLYYY GOOOOD TIIIIIIME!!! (cos its Halloween and that)
Monday, 17 October 2011
Monkey Man: Week 8!
The votes have been tabulated (is tabulated the right word? whatever) and a winner has been chosen. Presenting, Monkey Man's new supporting character; CHICKEN ZOMBIE! That funky, fowl, eater of his own kind will be showing up in Monkey Man's adventures from now on so check them out at Film Threat. Written by Brian Lynch (Hop, Puss In Boots) and drawn by me (has hopped on occasion, owns boots).
Monday, 10 October 2011
Monkey Man: Week 7
Week 7 of The New Adventures of Monkey Man is up on Film Threat! And like some kind of contest with contestants in it we're down to the final 3 supporting characters vying for a place in Monkey Man's cavalcade of comic book adventures. Make you voice heard (by electronically shouting down your internet box) and vote for your favorite character in the comments box. You have the power. Written by Brian Lynch and drawn by me :)
(also 10 cool-points for the first person to get the nerdy video game reference...)
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Community is one of the funniest shows on TV. If you don't watch it, WATCH IT! If you do watch it, YAY! We watch an awesome show (electro-high five!)
Monday, 3 October 2011
Monkey Man: Week 6!
Monkey Man's search for a new supporting character enters its final week. Has Monkey Man found the one? Why not get on over to Film Threat and find out!! And remember to vote for your favorite new character in the comments section.
Written by the amazing Brian Lynch and drawn by me!
Monday, 26 September 2011
Monkey Man: Week 5!
Part 5 is now up at Film Threat. Monkey Man continues to audition for new supporting characters, let him know who's got your vote in the comments section!
Written by Brian Lynch and drawn by me!
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Masters Of The Universe: The Next Chapter!
Finally learn what happened to Skeletor after the events of the Masters Of The Universe movie! This was done for the Prince Charles Cinema's "Good-Bad Movie Club" screening of the movie.
MOTU was one of the first movies I ever saw at the cinema, closely following the He-Man/She-Ra: Secret of the Sword movie, both of which my Dad took me to (he had to put up with a lot of Greyskull back then). Even though its a little dopey and ropey (and totally steals Superman's intro and theme tune) its still pretty fun and hold a special Gwildor shaped place in my heart.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Bath University ICIA courses for Autumn!
I'm going to be teaching classes in Comic book art and Illustration at the University Of Bath from October. I taught the classes back in February and really enjoyed it (and to the best of my knowledge, so did my students!)
Both courses are for beginners and they are a lot of fun. Details about the courses can be found here at the Bath ICIA website.
I'll see you kids in class!
Monday, 12 September 2011
Monkey Man: Week 4!
Hey you alls! Monkey Man week 4 is up at Film Threat! For the next 3 weeks Monkey Man is going to be auditioning new supporting characters and its up to you to vote for your favorite! Vote in the comments section.
Its interactive! Like one of those video games the kids love so much!
Written by Brian Lynch and drawn by me!
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Jurassic Dorks present: The A-Z of the Eighties!
Myself and my artistic powerhouse friends John-Paul Bove, Jess Bradley, Dylan Cook and Mark Pearce have merged and become the world destroying behemoth (of drawing stuff) that is JURASSIC DORKS! And to celebrate this we're putting on a show! The A-Z of the 80's is a gallery exhibition dedicated to the movies, tv shows, video games and toys of the eighties, 26 new pieces of artwork will be on display, depicting the alphabet according to that influential and nerdtacular decade.
The show takes place in December at Centrespace gallery in Bristol. I'll be posting more info as we get closer to the date but to stay ahead of the pack make sure to check out the Jurassic Dorks page and follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Ghost Cake!
Another fake book cover for my portfolio at Advocate Art. These were really fun to do and I think they are some of my best work. Certainly my best work featuring phantom baked goods...
The Mystery Of Frankenstein's Vampire!
This is a fake book cover done for my portfolio at Advocate Art, my agents. Unfortunately I haven't written a story to go with it but it sort of writes itself doesn't it?
Monday, 5 September 2011
Monkey Man: Part 3!

The saga continues! Written by the awesome Brian Lynch and drawn by the small, hairy me!
Check it out here at Film Threat!
This week: Ape Dude!
Monday, 29 August 2011
Monkey Man: Part 2!

Week 2 of The New Adventures of Monkey Man is now online at Film Threat!
Written by the comedy genius what is Brian Lynch and drawn totally with a pencil by me! This week: STREET GANGS!
If you like it, leave us a message and share the comic with your friends. DO IT! (thanks!)
Part 1 is still up here...
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Monkey Man Begins!

Part one of The New Adventures of Monkey Man is now online at Film Threat! Monkey Man is the brainchimp of writer Brian Lynch (IDW's Angel, Spike and forthcoming Ninja Turtles: Raphael micro series). He's written an awesomely hilarious strip and I couldn't be happier to be adding my dumb doodles into the mix! New stories are up every week so check it out and laugh until you cough up delicious blue furballs of comedy!
Hello, Hauser. Still bulging, I see...

Total Recall was one of those classic ultra-gore masterpieces I got to see when I was slightly too young. Along with Robocop and Predator, all the exploding heads and liberal F-bombs shaped me into a fully functioning adult (who spends his time drawing fan-art).
Also I once saw the guy who played Quato! (the man, not the little stomach-gremlin, that would be weird)
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Spoiler Goose!

This is probably the most important picture of a goose bursting out of someone's stomach that I'll ever draw...
This was a comic done for Party Truck USA, an awesomely funny podcast by Brian Lynch, Rich Monahan, Brian Sadecki and Jordy Bogguss (as well as many guest stars) that races down the pop culture highway firing bullets of sweet comedy at all the movies, comics and tv shows along the way, much like that game, Chase HQ I had on the Commodore 64 when I was 8. I urge you to check it out and LOL your :( away.
After sending this picture to PTUSA I got a response from Brian Lynch which convinced me to send him a copy of my comic, that then lead to Brian offering me the chance to draw his webcomic Monkey Man and the rest is the future!
So the moral of this story is.... uh, draw geese? I guess... also listen to funny stuff. I dunno.
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
This is too much madness to fit into one text!

Attack The Block is an awesome film and I urge everyblud to go see it. I've been a big fan of Joe Cornish since The Adam & Joe show and his radio shows with Adam Buxton are part of the small group of podcasts that keep me sane while I scribble away at my desk. I can't wait to see what he does next.
Heres to you Torpedo Commander Cornish!
Friday, 29 July 2011
Monkey Man Returns!

Good Monkey related news everybody! I'm proud to announce I'm going to be the new artist for the awesome web-comic Monkey Man. Its written by Brian Lynch (IDW's Angel and Spike books and web cartoon Angry Naked Pat), he's one of them Hollywood funny dudes you're always hearing about so I can't wait. More blue furry news as it happens!
Sunday, 17 July 2011
I wanna dance, I wanna win. I want that trophy, so dance good.

When I was 15 I was obsessed with Pulp Fiction and everything Tarantinoesque. Its still one of my favorites, one of those rare movies that tells a story in a way you've NEVER seen before and it blows my tiny mind (all over the back seat of the car).
I enjoyed drawing all the characters in little boxes on my Shaun Of The Dead poster and thought I'd do it again with Pulp Fiction's behemoth cast. You can see them in better detail here...

Sunday, 10 July 2011
Get their kit on!
Friday, 8 July 2011
Party on Wayne and Party on Garth!

My Wayne's World poster is going to be available this saturday at the Prince Charles Cinema for the always popular 'Schwing Along with Wayne's World' event. This is the first print I've done for the PCC so I'm excited to see how its received. The event is sold out (Way!) but the next showing is on the 27th of August (details here).
Update: The poster is now available for £5 at the PCC bar. Excellent!
Monday, 4 July 2011
Now open for commissions!
I'm now open for commissions!
For $48/£30 you will receive: a full photoshop coloured image of any single character. Movie/comic/video game/cartoon characters, your own creations, portraits of your friends, loved ones, pets, anything! (except anything... y'know, weird...)
Tell me what you want me to draw and specify how you want it to look (full body, bust, specific poses etc). If you're looking for multiple characters or something more complex, send me a message and we'll discuss it!
If you want a drawing of your own character or someone you know then make sure to send plenty of good reference images.
The artwork will be 300 dpi, PSD/PDF/JPG. I will send the original line artwork to you if you add the extra for postage.
I except payment through Paypal and will start work on the commission once I have received payment.
If your interested contact me via email:
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Plus my comic book "Now We Are Running" is available to buy at my Bigcartel store now!
For $48/£30 you will receive: a full photoshop coloured image of any single character. Movie/comic/video game/cartoon characters, your own creations, portraits of your friends, loved ones, pets, anything! (except anything... y'know, weird...)
Tell me what you want me to draw and specify how you want it to look (full body, bust, specific poses etc). If you're looking for multiple characters or something more complex, send me a message and we'll discuss it!
If you want a drawing of your own character or someone you know then make sure to send plenty of good reference images.
The artwork will be 300 dpi, PSD/PDF/JPG. I will send the original line artwork to you if you add the extra for postage.
I except payment through Paypal and will start work on the commission once I have received payment.
If your interested contact me via email:
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Plus my comic book "Now We Are Running" is available to buy at my Bigcartel store now!
Sunday, 3 July 2011
OMG I CAN'T WAAAAAaaaaaaaaaiit.
Thursday, 30 June 2011

My poster design for the Prince Charles Cinema's Hobo With A Shotgun gallery. The poster is going to be displayed in the PCC bar during the Exploitation Triple Bill event on the 14th of July as well as being displayed at XOYO in London when the movie plays the midnight movie slot on the 5th of July.
More movie poster fun coming soon!
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Liz Lemon.
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Get Smart.
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Ronin Dogs!

My tribute to Jennifer and Derek from Mark Pearce's Ronin Dogs, an awesome comic series. I had the pleasure of meeting Mark last week at Bristol comic con and traded my POS comics for issue 1 & 2 of his book. Its seriously funny and full of badass artwork of sexy ladies fighting robots and aliens plus explosions. If you get a chance to pick it up I recommend it. Tell 'em Big Jimmy sent ya!
Check out Mark's blog here!
Friday, 20 May 2011
"Now We Are Running..." On sale NOW!
'Now We Are Running...', my first full comic book with words and pictures by me is now available here at my Big Cartel page!
It's a collection of pop culture spoofs n' goofs with a little bad language and violence thrown in because I think it's big and clever.

Meet Steven and George, two young-buck, hot-shot directors with Hollywood dreams in their eyes. Finally, learn the sordid (and almost sort of maybe true) stories behind some of Spielberg's greatest films!

Discover the legend of the Vangrooover Brothers, three body-building triplets from a German muscle-family who undergo a heroic metamorphosis and then go on adventures with fighting and explosions and that!

The comic had a great debut at the Bristol Comic and Small Press Expo last weekend, I met loads of awesome artists and got con fever so hopefully we may meet at a future show oh dear reader of my blog! (I'll be wearing a flower in my lapel)
Update: The comic is now available at Excelsior! Comics in Bristol (Near to Cabots Circus). Check them out, they rock.
It's a collection of pop culture spoofs n' goofs with a little bad language and violence thrown in because I think it's big and clever.

Meet Steven and George, two young-buck, hot-shot directors with Hollywood dreams in their eyes. Finally, learn the sordid (and almost sort of maybe true) stories behind some of Spielberg's greatest films!

Discover the legend of the Vangrooover Brothers, three body-building triplets from a German muscle-family who undergo a heroic metamorphosis and then go on adventures with fighting and explosions and that!

The comic had a great debut at the Bristol Comic and Small Press Expo last weekend, I met loads of awesome artists and got con fever so hopefully we may meet at a future show oh dear reader of my blog! (I'll be wearing a flower in my lapel)
Update: The comic is now available at Excelsior! Comics in Bristol (Near to Cabots Circus). Check them out, they rock.
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