Tuesday, 18 December 2012
"Bands that don't exist yet" contest at Threadless!
A festive Ahoy-hoy to you all! Thankyou to everybody who has visited this site over the past year, I hope you will return for more of my BS in 2013.
I've got a new t-shirt up for voting at Threadless. This time the contest theme was "Bands that don't exist yet", and I've chosen to depict Commander Skull, acoustic folk guitarist of the Fear Realm. He may be enslaving his people but you'll be damn well sure he does it with a tender song in his heart. You can vote for the design here, and be sure to leave a comment too as thats always important in the selecting process!
Monday, 3 December 2012
Bravest F*ckers!
I am a massive fan of James Kochalka and of Adventure Time, so the new Cartoon Hangover shows, Super F*ckers and Bravest Warriors are like sexy 5 minute treats for my brains every week. Here are Jack Krak and Danny battling it out for crossover supremacy.
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Hire The Barman animated video.
The animated video I worked on for London based Hire The Barman is now up on their new website here. I drew the illustrations that were then animated by the awesome Slurpy Studios. I'm really happy with the end result and hopefully some more of my artwork will be brought to life in the future!
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Monday, 12 November 2012
Yes its true! Monkey Man is fifty! Check out the new strip here!
And read back through the entire half century at Film Threat!
Thanks to Brian Lynch for writing such an amazingly funny strip every week and thanks to all the readers for checking it out. Make sure to tell all your friends about this thing that you saw with pop culture references and blue furry characters and such!
Monday, 5 November 2012
Vote for my Spider-Man t-shirt on Threadless.com!
Hi, my t-shirt design, "(Photos by Peter Parker)" is up for voting in the Spider-Man design contest at Threadless. I really love how this came out and I really want to wear it on my mighty muscles so please, please give it a 5 star vote! Also leave me a nice comment too, as that always helps the judges decision making. Thank you!!
The gremlin-face of an artist.
Still tinkering with a line-less style, I thought the best practice would be to draw my own stupid visage, that way I can make it as ugly as I want without anyone getting offended. Notice there how I was self-deprecating whilst still being self-indulgent enough to draw yet another self-portrait. Self.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Friday, 2 November 2012
BIG JIMMY Week! Day Five!
Yesterday I posted some random panels from the first issue of BIG JIMMY, today you can see page 11 in its entire entirety, I hope you like it. Thanks for checking out Big Jimmy week. Issue 1 will be ready for action in January 2013, and I'll post some more fun stuffs before then for sure!
Thursday, 1 November 2012
BIG JIMMY Week! Day Four!
DANGER! Somebody bust into my studio and took illegal photos of BIG JIMMY with their gosh darn spy-camera! Oh, right it was me, just now, with my phone... Nevertheless here are a few random panels from the first issue, taken at jaunty angles for added flair.
BIG JIMMY will be ready for action in January 2013!
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
BIG JIMMY Week! Day Three!
A hideous cheesy freak. A mutant born of man's cruelest mistakes. Reanimated mould, forced to walk the earth without meaning or purpose. Also towel boy to robotic gladiator Candyhead. Also adorable. Also immortal.
Cheezdood is another character from my new comic "BIG JIMMY", available in January. Come back tomorrow for a sneaky peek at some artwork.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
BIG JIMMY Week! Day Two!
I'm posting sneaky peaks at my new comic "BIG JIMMY" every day this week. Yesterday I showed you Jimmy, now meet Candyhead, his arch nemesis! A robot powered by sweet sweet candy, Candyhead fights to regain his championship title in the Triumph Of The Solar System battle tournament. His bad-ass glucose attitude and giant delicious fists make him the robot that women want and men want to be harvested to provide human tissue replacements for. Big Jimmy will be ready for action in January 2013. I'll post some more stuff tomorrow!
Monday, 29 October 2012
BIG JIMMY Week! Day One!
I'm working on my new comic "Big Jimmy" at the moment so I thought that every day this week I would post a little bit of information about it. First up is Jimmy Feldspar, the hero of the book. Jimmy is a 14 year old Martian. He's shy and lonely but he finds himself representing Mars in the Triumph Of The Solar System battle tournament without so much as an explanation or a training montage. Now he must search for the truth about why nobody will tell him the truth about why he has to keep fighting monsters.
Big Jimmy will be ready for action in January 2013. I'll post some more stuff tomorrow!
Monkey Man's Haunted Web-Comic Theatre. (woooOOOoooOOO)
Get ready to hide behind your sofa's because this trio of Monkey Man comics are sort of Halloween related because they feature monsters and stuff. WOOOOoooOOOOOooo!!!!!
In #47 see how the famous monsters like to Trick or Treat.
In #48 check out a SCAAAAARRRRRYYYY mix up involving Yogi Bear and Pop culture!
and in #49 find out how Monkey Boy is taking Trick or Treating to the next psychological level!
And hey, why not go all the way back to the early days of Monkey Man to learn how to make a Halloween costume on a budget. Monkey Man is entertaining you AND scaring the pennies back into your pockets!!
Brian Lynch,
James Stayte,
Monkey Man,
Web Comics
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
"Earth's Mighiest Heroes" type thing...
When master colourist John-Paul Bove and I clash our giant biceps together, awesome, breath taking artwork falls out of the rip in time that our muscle collision creates. Case in point: Our triumphant Avengers team-up. I bench pressed all the line art while JP crashed in and body slammed the picture until it was covered in the most powerful colours you've ever seen.
If you think you're strong enough to handle such a mighty image then you can pick up the print and individual postcards at John-Paul's table at London MCM expo between the 26th and 28th of October. He'll be there with loads more amazing prints, colouring your con sketches and increasing the value of your copies of Transformers: ReGeneration One by signing them with his explosive autograph. So what are you waiting for? GRAAAHHH!! I JUST PUNCHED A CRIMINAL! RAAAAGHHHH!!!!
Black Widow,
Captain America,
Iron Man,
James Stayte,
John-Paul Bove,
The Avengers,
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
I got all the time I want, I got a Time Machine!
This was loads of fun to do. I found some great Delorian photos online and went into obsessive detail overdrive to pack the pic with as many details from the movie as possible. Say hi to your Mom for me...
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Saturday, 22 September 2012
Pulp Detective!
I'm really proud and excited to be involved in Pulp Detective Magazine, a brand new monthly mag featuring illustrated hard boiled crime stories for young readers, on sale from the 27th of September in shops around the country. Each issue I'll be illustrating the adventures of Detective John Munro as well as providing covers and various illustrations within the books. The magazine has already started getting some great press coverage so I hope its going to prove to be a huge success, well deserved considering the hard work of everyone involved.
You can check out the official site for Pulp Detective here and follow them on Twitter @pulp_detective. I'll post some more artwork from the first issue soon.
Monday, 17 September 2012
Monkey Man is workin' 9 till 5 (to make YOU laugh!)
It's a new story arc for Monkey Man! He's looking for a job but the world is being it's typically jerk-self. Check out Part one and Part two at Film Threat, written by the awesome Brian Lynch (Hop, Puss in Boots, Minions) and drawn by me!
Monday, 27 August 2012
Monkey Man: A humorous look at Hollywood!
Join Monkey Man as he takes a WACKY look at the world of movies in three new comics! No one is safe from his satirical eye, not adorable alien visitors, not eccentric comedy geniuses, not the greatest directors of all time, NOT NOBODY!
In MM#40 learn the sad truth about E.T, in MM#41 take a look at Dan Aykroyd's struggles to bring Ghostbusters 3 to the big screen and in MM#42 discover how the shark from Jaws is as DEADLY as ever!
Monkey Man is written by the Incredible Brian Lynch and drawn by the Indestructable James Stayte!
Monday, 6 August 2012
Monkey Man's epic Robot/Mutant throwdown finale!
Monkey Man and his Variant versus Variant's twisted, laboratory created Girl Daughter and Chicken Zombie, a chicken who is all messed up and s&%t. The battle reaches its inevitable and blood soaked conclusion here is part 38 and 39!
Read the whole Variant Saga from here!
Written by the Amazing Brian Lynch and drawn by the bog-standard me!
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Monkey Man Rises!
Monkey Man has returned from summer vay-kay and is ready to start filling your eyes and minds and brains with hilarious adventures again. Variant's Girl Daughter and Chicken Zombie are still causing havoc and Monkey Man has a plan to stop them! Check it out here at Film Threat!
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...
My tee design "Three Dimensions of Terror" is back in stock at Threadless, and its only $9.99. Why not show those jerk sharks that you're not afraid of them and their dumb jerk teeth by wearing it? It's what Quint would do, and to a lesser extent, what Michael Caine would do.
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Doth Mother know you weareth her drapes?
A Mighty Marvel Team up! (Between me and John-Paul Bove that is). Lines by me and POWERFUL colours by John-Paul (IDW's Transformers ReGeneration One). If you're at London Film and Comic Con this weekend you can pick up prints of this from JP's table, along with a postcard set with each character solo. Everything will soon be up on my Bigcartel shop too.
Black Widow,
Captain America,
Iron Man,
James Stayte,
John Paul Bove,
The Avengers,
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Shop Smart, Shop Stayte Of The Art!
Oh hi guys! Did you know I have a Bigcartel store where you can buy my comic, prints and the Jurassic Dorks artbook? Well download this Info-burst!
'Now We Are Running...' is my first full comic book with words and pictures by me! It's a collection of pop culture spoofs n' goofs with a little bad language and violence thrown in because I think it's big and clever. Plus you can buy 8 different movie/tv show prints from my shop. All prints are A4 sized and printed on high quality photo paper.

I'll be adding new stuff soon so keep checking back. And don't virtually shoplift (is that a thing? If so, DON'T!)

'Now We Are Running...' is my first full comic book with words and pictures by me! It's a collection of pop culture spoofs n' goofs with a little bad language and violence thrown in because I think it's big and clever. Plus you can buy 8 different movie/tv show prints from my shop. All prints are A4 sized and printed on high quality photo paper.

I'll be adding new stuff soon so keep checking back. And don't virtually shoplift (is that a thing? If so, DON'T!)
Six Seasons and a Movie art show!

Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Monkey Man: The Wrath of Girl Daughter!

Thursday, 24 May 2012
You can buy prints of this from my table at London MCM Expo this weekend (Table G12). I'll be there with Mark Pearce, Jess Bradley and John-Paul Bove. The fun never ends!!
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Monkey Man # 33!
Monkey Man is looking for a new Arch-Nemesis! Could any of these candidates be the one?? Or is the answer staring him in the hairy face? Find out at Film Threat now! Monkey Man is written by the Word-Master Brian Lynch and drawn by me, someone who knows over FORTY SIX words!!!! Check out all the previous strips here!
And you don't want us EXPOsing ourselves!
It's London MCM Expo this weekend Sweet Cheeks! The show runs from Friday 25th to Sunday 27th at the Excel Centre in London's Docklands. Me and my Street Fightin' brother in art-arms Mark Pearce will be in Artists Alley at table G12, selling our comics, prints and doing sketches for YOU, the cosplaying masses! While your there you'd be a fool not to get your sketch coloured by Transformers ReGeneration One's John-Paul Bove who will be sitting at table C4. And while you're standing at table C4 then it would be ULTRA-foolhardy not to turn your head to the excitement on table C3 and check out the awesome work of Jess Bradley. It's a goddang table hopping adventure I'm describing to you!
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable. You are a poor scientist, Dr. Venkman.
My brand new Ghostbusters print, coloured with the power of a thousand exploding suns by my pal John-Paul Bove (IDW's Transformers: ReGeneration One). If you would like to pick up a copy you can find us both at the London MCM Expo from the 25th to the 27th of May!
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Show Ponies!
Bristol Comic Expo is almost here! I'm sharing a table with my ninja fightin' Partner in Kryme, Mark Pearce and we'll be selling comics and prints (and maybe doing some sketches if you ask all nice like). So come say hello why not? And while you're there say hello to Jess Bradley too!
The show runs from Saturday 12th to Sunday 13th at the Passenger Shed (next to Bristol Temple Meads) and the Ramada Jarvis Hotel nearby. More details here.
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