Wednesday, 2 May 2012

The Con is ON!

It's May and that means its Comic con season! (sort of) I'm going to have tables at Bristol Comic Expo on the 12th and 13th of May and at London Comic Con MCM Expo from the 25th to the 27th of May. I'm going to have art prints and copies of my comic book "Now We Are Running..." for sale and I'll be sketching too if anyone is interested in a J.Stayte original. If that wasn't enough I'll be sharing my table with comic artist extraordinaire Mark Pearce! Mark is the writer and artist of excellent sci-fi space-explosion-robot-awesome-comedy "Ronin Dogs". Both issues are going to be available (he is working on issue 3 as we speak). Mark will also come baring the gift of wicked-rad prints. And if both of them two things wasn't enough we'll be within spitting distance (and yes, we plan to spit) of Uber-genius artist Jess Bradley, who'll be bringing her full range of Squid Bits badassery, including three new books! You might even get to spot the fabled John Paul Bove appearing in the open like some kind of Transformer colouring mythical creature! So come and look upon our wonders and despair, or just say hello, whichever you would prefer...

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