Tuesday, 18 May 2010

To The Rescue!

I draw a comic strip for Storm Force magazine, about the Royal National Lifeboat Institute saving lives on the high seas, or in this episode, on shore. This was a fun story to do as it showed a different side of the RNLI.

The artwork has to be seen and approved by the actual lifeguards featured so I had to make sure everything is 100% accurate!

Underneath that are two other illustrations I recently did for RNLI magazine 'Offshore'.

Summer is coming, and I hope I feel better by the time it does...

Every year I draw the cover to the Wanborough show program. This year's picture is a slight alteration of the 2009 cover with added strongman and medieval knight action.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

When nine hundred years old YOU reach, look as good YOU will not, hmmmm?

This is just an experiment, dropping colour in PS over an ink wash sketch. I saw badasssss Marvel artist Lenil Yu do something similar and I wanted to try it.

I mean, I DID it, or DID NOT do it...there is no try...